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"Chris Merle is by far one of the best staff developers that I have worked with during my career. She has an incredible ability to connect with each staff member, as well as deliver highly effective and engaging strategies that are practical and will be seen the following day with students. Elba is better because of her!" Ned Dale, Superintendent, Elba Central School District
Christine Merle

Christine Merle easily connects with staff members. She offers practical strategies that can be easily implemented. She will also work closely with key stakeholders to customize strategies that will propel your school based on your needs. Chris is genuine, sincere and brings a wealth of knowledge to truly strengthen your school system.
Molly M. Corey, Ed.D.,
Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Batavia City School District
Chris is one of the most engaging presenters that I have ever had the pleasure of working with as a professional educator in my 20 years! I first was made aware of Chris and her abilities when I sent two teachers to a staff development opportunity in the summer of 2018. The teachers both sent me a text from the presentation and asked me to bring her in for the rest of the staff to experience, she was amazing. Chris presented to two middle school staff for a period of 4 hours in the spring of 2019. There were over 160 teachers in the room and you could hear a pin drop during the entire 4 hours, that is how engaging she is! Her material is appropriate for her audience, applicable and presented in a way that makes any educator feel comfortable to take that risk and incorporate best practices for students. The staff is always buzzing when our sessions with her are approaching and you can see the very next day staff discussing what was presented at our staff meetings and how they can incorporate their new learning into daily lessons.
Brian G. Lumb, Principal, Greece Arcadia Middle School
Christine Merle offers programs that are relevant and engaging. The piece that is most impactful for classroom teachers is that she knows what's it like to be in the room with the students. As a middle school teacher, she has seen it all and has an idea to handle it all! Chris has presented in our district to groups that included early elementary and upper high school teachers at the same time and everyone walks out with something they are ready to try in their classrooms the next day. Even our most reticent professional learners love what Chris has to offer and ask for her by name! I cannot recommend MK Consulting and Training enthusiastically enough.
Cara Montrois, Wheatland-Chili Teacher Center Director
Consulting & Planning
Available for keynotes and workshops for administrators, mental health support staff, classroom teachers, and teaching aides/assistants.
Providing group coaching, as well as individual coaching, on social emotional skills development, classroom management, lesson design or differentiation of instruction.
Working with districts, SEL teams, and administrators to determine plans of action to best implement strategies that support districts, buildings, classrooms, and, most importantly, students!