Although a list of current offerings is shown below, each training and/or keynote address is individualized based on the needs of the audience. Grade level, content area, years of experience, role within the building, and past experience with the content is all taken into account when modified to best suit your group.
Keynote addresses range from 1-2 hours and can be for any size group. Trainings are usually restricted in size, due to their interactive and hands-on nature, but are negotiated to meet your needs.
Although many trainings are planned for a 3 hour or 6 hour window, they can also be modified to fit your conference day schedules, summer work, or after school offerings. Let us know how MK can best serve your district.
Virtual trainings are available as an option, although face to face is always preferred due to the interactive and hands-on nature of these trainings. However, in today's landscape virtual options are a necessity and are also modified to try to model best online practice. For a list of new virtual training options due to the recent changes in our educational environment, please click here.
*MK is NYS Department of Education approved for CTLE credit.*
Looking for options for New Teacher Orientation?
Click here for more info!
*Virtual PD Options*
1-3 hour sessions offered
through Zoom
Click here for More Info
Introduction to Social Emotional Learning
SEL Begins with You! (focusing on adult competencies)
"But how can I teach SEL along with everything else that I do?" The 5 SEL Competencies & Classroom Strategies that Support Each Competency
SEL Strategies for Middle & High School
Student-Centered Discipline
How to Build Stronger Relationships in the Classroom
Resiliency for Teachers/ Self Care
Aligning Your "Initiatives" - SEL + Culturally Responsive Education + Restorative Practices
Increasing Student Engagement & Supporting SEL
SEL Topics for 2021
Schoolwide Practices that Support SEL
SEL as Best Practice: How do the best practices of Classroom Management & Elements of Instruction support SEL?
How to Motivate using SEL: Authentic Choice, Student Voice & Autonomy
The Intersection of SEL & Trauma-Informed Education
SEL from an Administrative Lens: How you can support your students, your staff, your school and your SELF as you integrate SEL into your district
Although Social Emotional Learning Strategies for students are always the aim of any educator, please know that the research shows that all SEL work must start with the adults and educators in the building.
Until adults are comfortable with their own SEL strengths and challenges, it is difficult to teach them to others.
"You can't teach it if you don't know it!"
*Virtual PD Options*
1-3 hour sessions offered
through Zoom
Click here for More Info
Classroom Management/Behavior Management from a SEL perspective
Elements of Instruction/Lesson Design
Differentiation of Instruction/Multiple Points of Access
Cooperative Learning
The Power of Expectation
Cognitive Engagement & Student-Centered Learning
Habits of Highly Effective Teachers
How to Make an Ordinary Lesson Extraordinary
The Art of Perseverance & Growth Mindset
Quality Questioning & Assessments
Dealing with Challenging Students in Difficult Situations
*What's In Your Toolbox?*
These are Make & Take Sessions focused around any area of instruction. They allow time for new strategies to be introduced and then time for the participants to actually plan and create something that they can use immediately in their own instruction. To be effective, at least 2 1/2 hours is needed, but could also encompass a full day of training as well.
*New Teacher Orientation*
Many new teachers struggle with the transition from a short student-teaching experience and four years of educational theory into a classroom of their own. Providing extra support in the areas of Classroom/Behavior Management and Elements of Instruction usually start inexperienced teachers off with practical strategies that help them set up their classroom, or give them a bump in their instruction as the year progresses. Many districts consider 1-2 days of training before the school year begins, with 1-2 days scattered throughout for additional instruction and support. Webinars now available - click HERE for more information!
*Virtual PD Options*
1-3 hour sessions offered
through Zoom
Individual Coaching
Working one on one with a teacher in a cycle of confidential observation & discussion in order to change practice.
Group Coaching
Creating teams of teachers that are working on one area of focus and then using cycles of observation and group discussion in order to change practice. This also allows for building-wide change and ownership, leading to long term, sustainable change.
MK can meet with administrators, Boards of Education, parents and/or teams of teachers, in order to help plan your educational journey. Although trainings are a good way to start the process of change, a more comprehensive plan and approach will result in lasting change, for educators and, most importantly, for the students.